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Writer's pictureThe Holistic Motivator

Recognizing Stressed Behaviors Episode Notes

Recognizing Stressed Behavior

  1. Cold, Sweaty handshake

  2. Sitting at the edge of a chair, looking stiffed and agitated

  3. Over-talking with a high-pitched voice repeated nervous laugh

  4. May not listen to people they are talking to but following own thoughts and anxieties

  5. Impatiently tapping fingers or playing nervously with a pen

  6. Hasty Movements, liable to clumsiness and have minor accidents

  7. Lose of appetite --> Lose weight

  1. Lack of concentration - restlessness makes it difficult for them to focus on one thing

  2. Underlying Anger- Become frustrated by overwork or problems at home

    • Swearing, temper tantrum, physical violence

  3. Start using drugs more which produces side effects

    • Caffeine, nicotine, Alcohol, Cannabis

  4. Hurry Sickness -  A pattern of behavior of which they non impetuously at all new tasks

    • Do two thing at once

    • Tap hand when things are not happening

    • Interrupting other people's sentences for them

    • Frantic as if they're being delayed by traffic jams or stopped at a traffic light

    • Brushing teeth ferociously

Practical Action Steps

  • Prime yourself to do things that will release oxytocin like watching cute pet or baby videos

  • Turn automatic stress responses into prime activity to diminish stress: Breathing, Sleeping, Meditation, Using a stress ball, fidget spinner or qi ball.

  • When you take a deep breath, you inhale oxygen and nitrogen but you exhale carbon dioxide. When you breathe in, you are blessed by nature. When you breathe out, you contribute to nature. An affirmation to say while breathing is “I’m recognizing my blessings”

Why you feel uncomfortable and Stressed when talking to someone

When you feel uncomfortable talking to people because of your authenticity, it means you’re anxious if the other person is going to accept you for you. Even when you are not being authentic, shunning your authenticity also leads to stress which carries a sense of insecurity. A sense of insecurity in yourself can cause stress when talking to others. This reflects in the body through signs such as tapping your finger nervously, not concentrating, pacing, or playing with a pen.

Why you need to slow down

By not slowing down, you keep your stress levels high, and hurry sickness keeps your mind and body running fast. So the best thing to do is do some breathing exercises coupled with Qigong to slow down. Diaphragm breathing calms the adrenal gland which controls your fight or flight response. By taking slow diaphragm breaths, you will lessen your stress response and activate your parasympathetic nervous system.

Notable Quotes

Redirect your stress energy to focused energy to create a good state of mind.

To balance yourself, slow down.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Ask yourself: Are all my needs met and compare that to your state of being. Are all your needs met but you still feel antsy or fidgety?

  2. Is the stress due to you beating yourself? Are you imposing stress upon you by choosing to focus on the things that cause stress and not the things that make you mentally well?

  3. Do you believe that your worry is excessively severe considering your problem?

  4. Has your worry been going on for more than six months?

  5. Does your worry concern at least two everyday jjm v np;', events or problems of life?

  6. Is your worry noticeable for more than half of every day?

  7. DO you have negative thoughts that intrude more than usual, are they more difficult to drive out than normal?

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